Wha, it’s been a bit since I’ve written a blog. I mean, I’m aware of that fact on my own…but I’ve also been getting some complaints lately. It shouldn’t be that hard to keep a little more up to date….but it is. Apparently. It would help if I had wifi in my piso (flat), and I also didn’t have batteries in my camera for a while, so I could only take like one picture at a time, and it took several tries to get the camera to stay on.
Anyhoo, thought I’d start with a random picture of my sister and me. This was….whoah, a year ago…at the beach, for Thanksgiving. We spent waaay too long taking goofy pictures. Of course, I added a little to this one…..Christiane, I love you (:
Speaking of Thanksgiving, it’s a little sad knowning that (A) my siblings get out of school and I don’t (who knew that other countries don’t celebrate the pilgrims and Squanto and all that? Haha) and (B) my family and various other loved ones are going to get to spend good time together (not to mention eating delicious food) while I’m…..in class. Boo.
Oh, well… Hopefully we Americans here (and Canadians….they have their own Thanksgiving, though it’s long past, on October 13th, and I’m not really sure why they celebrate it in the first place, since they don’t have like Squanto or anything…) will be able to do something to make it feel nice.
So, on to a bit of my past recent. If that makes any sense. (Word doesn’t think it makes sense…it got an underline zigzag line. But I’m going to stick it to the man (Bill Gates?) and leave it as is. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.)

These are a few of my friends here with the international program. Aurelie (Fwance), me, below Kristina (sp? US), Joelle (Canadia), Natalia (Polonia). Just to prove that, yes, I do have friends here in Pamps.

I drew a picture of myself. Yee. Jeeves says he’ll alert the media.

So, for Neewollah I dressed up as an 80’s aerobics chick. I teased my hair up as big as I could get it, and borrowed a headband, and legwarmers…. It was a great costume, especially the part where I got to wear comfortable running shoes and call them part of my outfit.

So, there was this random movie being shot down the street from my piso. I heard all this yelling, and stuck my head out the balcony. I had to walk a few different places, back and fort to and from the piso during the day, so I saw them up close repeatedly. It was some thing on San Fermin, there were all these people in the white with red sashes, and several with fake blood, running, and fake police chasing them…. I asked some chick who was standing outside my piso what it was, and she said a French movie. Sure enough, the dude (director, I reckon) talking through the loudspeaker thing was speaking in French some times, and with a French accent in Spanish. My camera at that point had barely batteries to do anything, but I did get a bit of the moment.

So, this is just a side picture so you get an idea of the profile of the haircut I currently have. Which….I gave myself. So, it’s not perfect in the back, but I do like it. The bangs are kind of fun, and fairly European looking.

So, just another view of the cut. So you get the idea.

This picture is called “Emily needs to buy an umbrella.” But I was in this department store yesterday and saw a bunch for like….40 or 50 Euros. I was like, Heck no. Not doing that. I’ll just go to a

If you look closely in the background you’ll see snow on the mountains. This is on campus, the building on the right is the library.

Sunset. In case you weren’t sure. Not that I generally am up for sunrise….

All the pharmacies have these green (and some times other colours) cross light signs. Generally with the time/temperature switching on and off.

They’ve got Christmas decorations up around Pamps, also a lot of white lights globes. They haven’t been lighting them yet, though.

More snowy background mountains.

This is a nice spot on campus that I decided to go check out. Just a little bit of nature…can still see the cars and stuff, but better than always being surrounded by buildings. I miss the woods.

ID picture for my student card (well, one of the extras, since I don’t have the card yet). My hair colour looks weird…

I have a class called Learn to Paint. Man, hard work, I know…. (: So this is what I’m working on, from a picture of my friend Sarah.

This is a friend in the class with me (there’s about 7 of us internationals).

And another friend in the class.
Wow, that was like the best blog post... ever! Great pictures and the self portrait is brilliant, keep it up, yar?
I love your european haircut...you look totally española.
love you :)
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