I want, some lemonaa-ee-aade.
That's what the song says. Really.
I actually made up the lemonade part.
But it should say that.
So. Anyways. I'm in San Sebastian, sitting in the common area of the hostel that the fam and I are staying in, and listening to Reggae radio--all reggae, all day. Except one of the last songs definitely wasn't reggae. But whatever. I can't change it. It's what they've left on. It's cool, though. But. So. They have internet. And I don't really have pictures 'cause I took like two 'cause my batteries are about out. I suppose I could put them on my computer and then the blog, but I can't really be bothered. Sorry. Maybe later.
We saw Pamplona yesterday, got some of the kids worn out from all the walking (I'm used to it), and took a bus today to Donosti. Tomorrow we'll head to Madrith.
Reggae 141--positive radio, for positive people.
It's fun having the family...there are moments when maybe we get a little stressed from being around each other so much, but those don't happen too often. It's really fun to see them, and when I picked them up from the airport I was like, wow, it's been half a year....I hugged everyone really hard, and mom was last, and we both started crying a little bit. I just had like, one tear, but Christiane and Robert were making fun of us. Which was fairly funny.
But, so, yeah...there's not really much to talk about. I just felt like posting something, since there's actually decent wifi connection, and comfortable seats, unlike A) when I'm at home or B) at the uni, in that order. I guess I might put up an old picture from when I was in Donosti in the fall. Or, actually, so I don't have to look for one, how's about one from Barthelona? Yeah, that's easier. Nice.

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