Off in the distance fireworks keep going off. I heard them early this morning, when it still basically counted as night. Today afternoon I was standing in the kitchen and heard some go off, and asked D what they were. She explained that, as the Virgin of Guadalupe appeared on December 12th, all of the really religious people celebrate in some way on the 12th of every month, and a part of that celebration includes fireworks

I didn’t really do much of anything on Monday….went to Soriana with D, as well as a pan (bread) place which was absolutely delightful…got a little pastry, and she and I both got her favourite, rolls that are so fluffy (and were still warm-she said it was the best she’d had them), and a bit sweet, so quite nice. We talked about the change from Gigante to Soriana, which apparently started in the north and then moved throughout the country.
She said Soriana is worse quality, so she doesn’t like the change. Next time I go I’m going to take a picture, just to put along with my ones from
Tuesday-Tenís y cumpleaños

Today I sat around doing computery stuff until around 4, when C was actually pretty prompt in calling me, as promised yesterday, for tennis. Turns out she has a class in the Parque that starts at 4:30, so I reckon that’s part of why we were so on time. So we went to the class, everyone’s still just beginning, and after a while it ended and most left, but we stayed and played, and eventually some guys she knows came, and the two courts needed to be shared by eight people.

So the two who had been there a while just kept playing on the other side, but us who had been discussing split up, and the boys played at first, and then after a while we girls split onto different teams and the boys walked us through the real rules. My teammate, Nacho (not some one that C knows, just a random person, though she knows the girl who came later and I’m assuming is his novia), had to repeat a lot for me, since I’m not familiar with rules in Spanish. But he was a really good player, and we won. Like, every time. It was fun.

Wednesday-escuela? Pero ya empece mis vacaciones! (School? But I'm already on break!)
So I got up at 6:30 this morning. I dressed quickly, refreshed my makeup (which I had pretty much left on from the night before), and then had 20 minutes to eat breakfast before 7, when C had told me to be outside. I went out at seven, took some pictures of the ivy, and eventually her dad invited me into the house. She was running a bit late (which seems to be her norm haha), and we got to the university a bit late. Her mom drove us, and it took a decent amount of time. So we went right into the first class, derecho (law), where the maestro was reading out of some book, and his voice was extremely soporific. As in, if I had him on tape I would turn it on to make me fall asleep. Then there was administración, and there was an oral exam. When she asked, most students straight up told the maestra, who seemed like she must be friendly and cool but strict with rules and work, that they hadn’t studied, so she said they could take it on Monday (I didn’t understand whether they lose any points or not). C and four boys had studied, so they stayed. She did her part 2nd, so then we left. She told a couple of people who asked that she had said a ton of stuff and the maestra finally said she could get a 90 (out of 100) if she brought an ensayo (essay) in on Monday "dije un montón, y me dijo que si trajo un ensayo el lunes va a darme una noventa, y lo dijo a los otros, también:.
Tomorrow is El Día de los Maestros (Teacher’s Day), when people celebrate their teachers, and there isn’t school. A bunch of the girls had bought little plastic Bibles (because there were no plain old book shapes) and put little letter stickers on them, and rhinestones, and bows made of ribbons…I was on the ribbon-making crew. Fifty-one white, and then a mix of blue and pink. I guess there must have been one coloured and one white on each. We desayuno-d (ate lunch) at one point before that, and then after C and B and I took a bus to this place on the opposite edge of town from where she lives, that was basically like a smallish American mall.

It’s still under construction, but there was a Sams Club whose building honestly didn’t look different from American ones at all. Then the main area had a

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