I feel like band camp is a good way to begin stories some times. Or at least a common one. Only problem is...I never went to band camp. I thought for a while about joining band, back when I was about to start high school, but I had only a few flute lessons before my teacher when back overseas. So I decided it wasn't worth it....and am glad I did. Being an art/theatre/astronomy kid fit me better, I think, than would have the band kid requirements (not to mention the stereotypes).
I guess I could always say "this one time at church camp...."
Ayways, the purpose of the post is mostly to express amusement at a ridiculous comment I just got on my last blog. Here it is:

Then I realized that, rather than feel downhearted that some random person likes to sit around his computer and insult people online, I should find the good in the situation. I realized that this is a rather funny comment. Kudos to the author for having good grammar, punctuation, and such...I must admit, I don't always do so much (though I do try to spell check my posts, and don't even use things like rotfl, r u l8, and so on, even for texting), and most demeaning comments make themselves even less intelligent than they inherently are by not capitalizing or using te rong theire's & mispeling things and forgeting periods
I just want to say a couple of things. #1 I hope Anonymous reads this (and thinks about how silly it is to insult people's blogs). #2 I didn't ask you to read my blog (and if I did, that means I know you and you could at least tell me who you are so that I know what friend to spend less time with). #3 Minutes? Oh, joy. If it only took a few minutes to read then why are you complaining? At least you know to avoid it in the future. #4 If you thought it would be high quality and were wrong, that's your lack of initial judgement, not mine. #5 If you think that it's my fault that you "wasted minutes of [your] life", you are sadly mistaken. Seriously, let's think about this. You're going around, reading random blogs, spending time on the internet. You could be doing something useful, like cooking, reading a book, working, exercising, spending time outside. If you think reading my blog is a waste of time, I'm going to assume that you don't know me, or at least don't care about what I'm up to (which is totally fine, I don't expect everyone to want to keep up with my every move). So why would you read it? If you think going around reading random blogs is going to be worth your time, a good use of minutes of your life, then maybe you're not so intelligent to begin with. Honestly, it seems like you like wasting minutes of your life. And, #6 is that it sounds an awful lot like something my friend Drew would write. If that was you, Andrew, you can forget an invitation to come to my house this summer. (:
And now, reflecting upon this which I've just written, I want to mention as a disclaimer that I did it purely for fun. There was a day when I might have wanted to be all serious and angry on the internet, but I've realized how dumb that is. So please realize that I've been laughing half the time I've been writing. Also, I've spent my morning cutting mangoes and helping to cook, so I've also done worthwhile things, which makes me feel better about being online.
So, without further ado, let me leave you all (which, as far as I can tell, equals maybe one or two of my friends and some random Anonymous person with no life) with a fond farewell and picture of a mango tree.

Here I was thinking that this was going to be a high quality blog, and once again, you let me down. Thanks for wasting minutes of my life that I will never get back.
May 20, 2008 10:43 AM