So, yesterday (Sunday) I got to go to San Sebastian, about an hour away. One of the German guys has his car here, so he and two Austrians and an American and I went. The German is Peter, the American is Tony, and hopefully by the time I post on the rest of the day I will have found out the names of the other two.....which I forgot....oops Anyways, this whole blog is actually going to be of the second part of the day.

So I went to look and, sure enough, there it was. Now, who in their right mind can encounter such a disgusting sounding combination, in the form of ice cream no less, and not try it? So I figured 1.50 Euro was worth it to try that, and got the little thing.
The cheese wasn't actually a very prominent flavour. I actually liked the ice cream, more or less at first, and then increasingly so as I ate it. Bueno. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Elisabeth and Militsa, who were in the apartment with Merche and us other girls. They, and another Mexican girl, had come to the beach by bus, and we hadn't been able to contact each other all day. As we were coming down from the mountain, there was music which had been going on for like the whole two hours we were there, walking around the church thing and in the museum. We saw people dancing, and walked closer, and then I realized that Mili was one of the people in this circle. So I went over and said hi and hung out with them for a little while.

Things in San Sebastian, like on signs, are written first in Basque, and then in Spanish. It's way padre.

Bueno, I'll try and get more later, but for now I'm tired of waiting for photos to upload.
Oh, and I was going to mention the fact that Dad was complaining about how I haven't put up enough pictures. Well, Dad, I took a bazillion, just so I could put them up and keep you from whining. (:
Anyways, thanks for reading/looking at my post. I'll try and get more from San Sebastian soon. Pronto. Al rato. Vale.
Hola Emilia! WHEN DID YOU CUT YOUR HAIR! You look wonderful, and seem to be having an amazing time.
-- The Other Emily ;)
Ha just when I thought I had time to read your post had already posted an other one! But I took the time to read both :) Cheese flavored ice cream... that almost sounds as good as the garlic/union candy I had once :P I like your hair too
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