So, to begin, we have some of Pamplona.

This is some government building or something.

This is my phone. With the little thing from Corea that JiSeon gave me.

So this is pretty much how the Casco Viejo, where I live (see previous blog(s)), looks like. The streets are all super narrow, but cars still drive on them, pero just one way. Tis very pretty.

Some building with flags.

View from my friend's apartment, which is down the street from mine. Some mini parade was going on down that street, and this group came along playing instruments. Sounded good, kind of reminded me of something David and his friends might do.

Aight, back to San Sebastian (Donosti, in Basque, as my friend Mikel tells me). There was some film festival going on. Apparently they host a lot of them there, with big names such as George Cloony and Penelope Cruz, but this one was just a Spanish one, and we didn't see any hullabaloo which might have been interpereted as Spanish actor shenanigans. But it sure was crowded...

La playa. Turns out what everyone says about how for women, tops are optional, is true. And a lot of theme were not so young. It kind of amused me.
Anyways, the beach was quite pretty, and the water quite clear but very cold, and very full of seaweed. I bodysurfed/swam a little bit, and the others swam some as well, but then we mostly just sat on our towels enjoying the sun.

We climbed that mountain that has the statue of Jesus, right? So, inside, there's this museum about the city and stuff. These old beach pictures were in part of the Museum.

View as we had just begun to climb the mountain.


Heading towards the mountain. You can see Jesus there above the treelines.
(send me your real address sometime, btw)
Yeah Alicante basically 75% of what people said was " TA LUEGHOOO" like it was a song and VALEVALEVALEVALE venga, pues bueno, VALE
and It took at good month and a half of being back in los EEUU to get rid of Vale and since you're going to be in Spain 2x as a long as I was it will take you at least 3 months to get rid of that. Which, you probably shouldn't because it's fun to say.
Love you!! and your I wish I was there with you...
haha I don't know why I thought you were in Madriz....
maybe because you were in the Madrid airport? Claro.
I love your comments..haha.
I love reading blogs and laughing...especially when I'm in class. DA BOMB.
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