Monday, October 20, 2008


So here's a random picture for the day. This is my friend Tuche. She's from Turkey. There's 3 Turkish girls here, and I hang out with them a lot. Enough that a couple of people have seriously thought that I was Turkish. Kinda funny.
She's very cool. As are the other two. Turkish girls, that is.

And here's one other random thing. If you don't get it, I can't help you. Well, I can, but you'll have to ask because I'm not going to say anything else.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Brother: The Real Spaniard

So this is exactly what David Skyped me a few days ago (from mom's user):

Emily, this is David. I decided, just for good measure, you should probably put a picture of me on your blog. Then put something under it like "the real spaniard". I think it would probably be sassier than life.
[10/9/2008 12:53:46 PM] S says: Also, i miss you like the dickins

Another time he said this:
Hey toot sweets
[10/12/2008 6:48:11 PM] Em says: hey poopieclooper
[10/12/2008 6:48:23 PM] S says: O yes , schooch on me
[10/12/2008 6:48:28 PM] S says: that's what your blog is called
[10/12/2008 6:48:31 PM] S says: skooch*
and a little later in the conversation:
S says: 10/12/2008 6:50:02 PM: plus, where are all the pictures on your page honoring your glorious brother

So anyways, I thought that since I was thinking about it I'd take care of the blog for him. Which he'd better read.

The Real Spaniard. With his cool sister.

The End.

Some Random October Fotografia....

So, here are some photos from the past couple of weeks or however long it's been since I posted. Next blog to come might have to be one about David, (i.e. my brother) since he told me that would be the coolest sort of blog I could do. But we'll see.

Chloe in San Sebastian

Richard and Nur in S. Sebast.

More S. S.


Mas S.S., at night

In McDonalds in S.S.





Back in Pamplona, with my Fwench friend, Aurelie.


more S.S. (I promise, I really have only gone their twice, despite the appearance from all the pictures....)


In McDonalds (if you look closely, you'll see something that is not orderable in McDonalds in the States: beer! I thought that was kind of funny....)

In Pamplona, at a coffee/tea place
on the sign it says Cuida-te, for those of you who get that (:

At a cafe in the Plaza del Castillo in Pamplona (my Austrian friend, Benedikt)

At the same cafe, P. del Cast. Dos francesas, Aurelie and Chloe.

2/3 of the Turkish girls.....I spend so much time with them, a couple of people recently have thought that I was Turkish!!!!

Nice example of subjuntivo. (it means, Luke Skywalker would be a different Luke Skywalker if Obi-Wan hadn't existed)

Pues, bueno. Not terribly long, as far as the writing goes, but you probably need a break from long Emily-rants.

Though I do want to give a shout out to my cool friend Kellie's blog. Well, and to my cool friend Kellie. 'Cause she's cool.

Hasta Luego!!!! (which, here, they say like TaLueggghhhooo!)